United Nations/ Special Representative of UN Secretary-General Hails Qatar’s Collaboration in Supporting Children’s Education

HE Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, praised the State of Qatar's collaboration with the United Nations in supporting children's education and protecting them from the abuses they face due to wars, highlighting Qatar's mediation efforts in resolving conflicts in various countries. In an interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA), Her Excellency said that they recognized early that the best way to enhance the complementary of their efforts with those of the State of Qatar, on the behalf of children who are used and abused during wars, is to establish the Analysis and Outreach Hub of the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (OSRSG CAAC). She added that the office has a physical presence in only two regions globally, one in Europe and the other in Doha, emphasizing the office's role in amplifying engagement with conflict parties, advocating for public awareness, capacity building, and launching global initiatives from Doha, not just for the Middle East. She explained that the office supports mediation and negotiations, which Qatar has become very good at, including ceasefire negotiations, advocating for humane treatment of individuals, and reuniting children separated by conflict. She commended Qatar's cooperation with the center in achieving goals aimed at protecting children from violations worldwide. Additionally, she noted that last year, a regional meeting was held under the Arab League to address serious violations as a standard for the entire Middle East, along with in the fifth anniversary of the International Day to Protect Education from Attack (IDPEA), hosted by HH Chairperson of Education Above All (EAA) Foundation Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, in Doha. Regarding the qualitative initiatives launched by the State of Qatar to protect children in conflict zones, Her Excellency said that Qatar is an exceptional country, and she work with countries worldwide, but there are things Qatar does that she want to highlight and appreciate, adding that Qatar leads public awareness on why education is a fundamental strategic need for the world and emphasizes the importance of protecting it. She pointed to the EAA Foundation, launched by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, as perhaps the most significant strategic step in education. This is alongside the efforts of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, which implements practical projects, training, assistance, and resources for building peace, as well as helping people rehabilitate and recover after conflict Source: Qatar News Agency