UNRWA Commissioner-General Warns of Generation Loss in Gaza Under Israeli Aggression

Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini warned of the ongoing violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip, worsening daily in light of the continuing Israeli occupation aggression. According to the UN News website, Lazzarini said that more than 600,000 children in Gaza are living in the rubble and suffering from deep trauma, warning that the delay in returning them to a suitable educational environment threatens the loss of an entire generation, which could lead to the strengthening of feelings of hatred and resentment. Lazzarini addressed the deteriorating situation of schools and infrastructure in Gaza, where more than 70 percent of UNRWA facilities were fully destroyed or damaged, highlighting that the agency has faced ongoing targeting, including the killing of more than 220 staff since Oct. 7, 2023. Humanitarian relief operations are being hampered despite prior coordination with the relev ant parties. In a related context, the UNRWA Commissioner-General spoke about the successful polio vaccination campaign, which managed to protect more than 640,000 children under the age of ten, amid concerns about the return of the disease 25 years after its eradication. Regarding the occupied West Bank, Lazzarini described the situation as a "silent war" boiling in the West Bank as a result of what is happening in Gaza and Lebanon, where the residents of the West Bank are suffering from increasing violations by the occupation forces and settlers. He also pointed to the escalating tensions on the Blue Line between Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories, warning that Lebanon could become a "new Gaza" if urgent efforts are not taken to prevent the escalating Israeli aggression against Lebanon. Regarding the agency's funding, Lazzarini affirmed that UNRWA is facing a worsening financial crisis and that the needs have never been as great as they are today, expressing his concern about reducing cont ributions from member states in 2025 when the Palestinians need more support. The UN official called for a ceasefire, the release of hostages, and increased humanitarian aid, stressing that political solutions are clear, but the region needs political will to achieve this. Source: Qatar News Agency